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Effects of the French Revolution - Europe page 4
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The Assembly did not conduct itself in a manner to recommend universal suffrage, or to make the friends of orderly government enamoured of revolution. Their proceedings were irregularly conducted, and they wasted their time in idle discussions. The great majority of its members consisted of local agitators, and were destitute of political experience and business habits; many of them but imperfectly educated. They received pay at the rate of three dollars a day; and each of them seemed to fancy that he ought to give value for the money in a certain quantity of speaking. The Assembly occupied two days in discussing the question whether or not the authors of the outbreak of the 18th of March, which was the result of an accident, deserved well of their country, and whether it was a revolution or a riot. Herr Behrend moved that it was a revolution. This the Ministers denied, declaring that it overturned nothing, that the established institutions of the country still existed, and that the affair was merely a " transaction " between the King and a portion of his subjects. On this question the two parties took issue. "Was it a revolution or a transaction? There was a majority in favour of "transaction," which led to violent popular demonstrations. The mob attacked the Ministers and other unpopular members as they left the chambers. They tore up the iron railings in front of one of the courts of the palace, carrying off the gates in triumph to the university. On the 14th of June they attacked the arsenal. The burgher guard was on duty at that post; some of them fired on the mob, killing and wounding several, which caused the assailants to retire. But a difference arose in the guard. Some blamed the others for firing. They disarmed both them and their commanding officer, and then marched off the ground. In the meantime the rioters had been marching through the town, and raising revolutionary cries. Learning that the arsenal had been abandoned, they returned to it, broke the iron shutters on the ground floor by means of a heavy beam of timber, which they used as a battering ram. Within there was a guard of 250 regular troops, who might easily have resisted till reinforcements came, but the commanding officer was told that revolution was triumphant; that all the troops had left the city; that the King himself had fled, and that nothing but the submission of the guard could save the monarchy. Believing these representations, the troops remained passive, and allowed the rioters to have their way, which caused the destruction of property amounting to 500,000 dollars. All the portable contents of the building were thrown out through the windows. Most of the muskets were broken and rendered useless. " Antiquities of great value, rare pieces of artillery, arms inlaid with silver and ivory, were stolen or broken into pieces. Trophies taken in the seven years' war, and in the campaigns against Napoleon, were torn in pieces or trampled under foot. It is said that it was not the love of arms that induced the populace to sack the arsenal, but the more vulgar love of plunder. Many of the arms were sold afterwards for a few groats apiece. The burgher (or national) guard in no instance did its duty, for maintained its post. The knowledge of this un- soldier-like quality stimulated the rabble to fresh atrocities. For eight months Berlin was in a chronic state of riots. The bonds of society were loosened, and the respectable parts of the population were mob-ridden." A motion was made in the Assembly to have a proper guard for its protection. This motion was rejected by a large majority, who declared that the Assembly needed no armed protection, but placed itself under the safeguard of the people of Berlin. This had the effect of tranquillising the people for a time; but it caused a break up in the Ministry. At length the Cabinet was reconstructed. About this time General von Wrangel was appointed to the command of the troops, and the King, awakening from his fond illusions about being placed at the head of United Germany, and feeling his throne to be in imminent danger, began to think of measures of repression. This change in the King's mind was indicated by the tone of the general's address to the troops. He declared that he would establish order when disturbed, and support the laws when they were infringed. " The burgher guard," he said, "is primarily charged with this duty; but when I find it fail in discharging it, we will advance, and we shall succeed. The troops are stanch, their swords are sharpened, and their muskets are loaded. It is not against you, men of Berlin, that this is done, but to protect you - to protect the liberty given us by the King, and to defend the laws. For you, and with you, we shall act. No re-action! But protection for order, for the laws, and for freedom. How melancholy does Berlin now appear to me! Grass is growing in your streets; your houses are empty: your shops are full of goods, but void of purchasers. Your industrious citizens are without work, without wages, and without profits. This must be changed, and it shall be changed. I bring you order, and its attendant blessings. Anarchy must cease, and it shall cease. I swear it to you; and a Wrangel never yet failed in keeping his word." On the 11th of October the Assembly commenced its discussions upon the Prussian Constitution. The first day was occupied with a debate upon two articles settling the title of the King. The question was whether he should be King " by the grace of God," or merely by the will of the people. The House divided, when the phrase, " the grace of God," was rejected by a majority of 217 to 134. The next question debated was whether he was to be " King of Prussia " or "King of the Prussians." On the 15th of October, while these discussions were proceeding, the King's birthday was celebrated. Various congratulatory addresses were presented to him on that occasion, but the deputations found him not in so gracious a humour as they had expected. To one of them he said, " Remember, I am still King by the grace of God." To the commander of the burgher guard he said, " Remember, the burgher guard received their arms from me; " and to the city deputies, who promised that order should be preserved, he remarked "that it was better to prove their loyalty by deeds than to make promises." The King's petulant remarks were deeply resented. His Prime Minister, Count Pfuel, resigned, and though the resignation was twice refused, the Minister persevered. There were more riots in the streets, more barricades erected, and many lives were lost before order could be restored. On the 30th of October the National Assembly retaliated upon the King by resolving that all Prussians were equal before the law, that there existed neither titles, privileges, nor rank in the State - that the nobility was abolished. These events led to the appointment of Count Brandenburg, the King's uncle, who was thoroughly devoted to the old régime, and abhorred everything revolutionary. This appointment threw the Assembly into a state of consternation; and on the 2nd of November they adopted the following resolution: - " In consequence of the information that the Count of Brandenburg has been commissioned to form a new Ministry, the National Assembly, in its sitting of this day, has resolved to send a deputation to your Majesty, in order to inform you that this step on the part of your Majesty has occasioned the greatest anxiety amongst the people, and that it threatens to bring unspeakable misfortune upon the country. During several past weeks ominous reports respecting the views of the reactionary party have alarmed your Majesty's faithful people. The nomination of the now retiring Ministry had not tended to weaken the effect of that report. A Government under the auspices of the Count Brandenburg, without any prospects of obtaining a majority in the National Assembly, or of gaining the confidence of the country, will undoubtedly bring the excitement to a head, and produce melancholy results for your Majesty's capital and country - results which will remind one of the fate of a neighbouring State. Your Majesty was not well informed by your former councillors respecting the situation of the country, if they concealed from you this danger for throne and country. Upon that ground we supplicate your Majesty, in a manner as respectful as urgent - and your majesty's heart has always beaten for the welfare of your people - to afford the country, by the appointment of a popular Ministry, a fresh guarantee that your Majesty's views are in unison with the wishes of the people." The King was then at Potsdam, whither seventy-five members went as a deputation with the address, the whole population meantime surrounding the Assembly House in a state of the greatest possible excitement. The King at first refused to see the deputation in the absence of his responsible advisers. But he received a telegraphic communication from the Cabinet requesting him to see the deputation. He did so; but refused to give an answer. One of the deputation then said, "We have been sent here, not only to hand the address to your Majesty, but also to give you information respecting the true state of the country. Will your Majesty hear us? " The King answered, " No." As the deputation retired, one of them, Herr Jacobi, remarked, "It's the misfortune of kings that they will not hear the truth." The King next day returned a formal answer to the address, stating that he would not withdraw the appointment of the Count Brandenburg in consequence of rumours and apprehensions, which were not justified by any act of his Government. On the 9th the new Ministry was gazetted. It consisted altogether of persons not members of the Assembly, a significant intimation that the King had resolved at length to resist instead of leading the revolution. On the same day Count Brandenburg entered the Assembly, and rose to speak. He was stopped by the President, who told him that he must first obtain permission to speak from the Assembly. Anticipating this, the Count handed to the President a royal decree, in which it was stated that in consequence of the display of Republican symbols and demonstrations of popular force, to overawe the Assembly, it stood prorogued to the 27th of the month, when it was to meet at Brandenburg, where it could conduct its deliberations free from the intimidation of the Berlin mob. This decree fell upon the Assembly like a thunder-stroke. The reading of it was repeatedly interrupted by cries of, " Never, never!" "We protest." "We will not assent." "We will perish here sooner." " It is illegal." " It is unconstitutional." "We are masters." In the midst of the storm, Count Brandenburg rose and said, " In consequence of the royal message just read, I summon the Assembly to suspend its deliberations forthwith, and to adjourn until the day specified. I must, at the same time, declare all further prolongation of the deliberations to be illegal, and protest against them in the name of the Crown." The Minister and his colleagues then withdrew. When the agitation produced by this scene had subsided, the Assembly set about considering what should be done under these circumstances. First, it was proposed that the Ministers should be required to withdraw their message. This motion was lost. Secondly, it was resolved, almost unanimously, that there was no necessity for removing the Assembly from Berlin; that the Crown had no right to remove it against its will; and that the Ministry who had advised such a step were guilty of a dereliction of duty towards the Crown, the country, and the Assembly. Before the division was come to on this resolution, fifty of the supporters of the Government had withdrawn; and when it was passed, the diplomatic corps, who were sitting in their box during the scene, retired in a body. The Assembly now resolved to sit iü permanence, the President and about thirty members remaining in the House all night. Meantime, Count Brandenburg had sent a note to the President, warning him and the Assembly against the consequences of illegally persisting to meet in Berlin, and the seceding minority sent in a protest to the same effect. The population of the city were, of course, greatly excited; and during those hours of painful suspense and apprehension, several deputations from the city in vain sought an interview with the King, who sullenly shut himself up in his palace at Potsdam. Notwithstanding the warnings it had received, the Assembly met at five o'clock on the following morning, 225 members being present. The President advised them to maintain an attitude of dignified resistance. Every drop of blood shed through their fault must injure their cause. The blood of citizens must not be squandered, but must be reserved for other occasions. The burgher guard and the people surrounded the House in dense masses. Several orators delivered harangues exhorting them to keep the peace. A hostile army was approaching; that army, alas! their own, advancing against their capital. The Assembly would issue a proclamation, protesting against this act of oppression. It might be their last will and testament; their enemies might apply the axe to the root of the tree of liberty; but it would spring up again fresh and green, and flourish for ever. A committee of five was appointed to draw up a proclamation; and while they were thus engaged, the great seal of the Assembly was brought forth and laid upon the President's desk. The committee entered and read the proclamation, which was an embodiment of the resolution, and concluded thus: - " Fellow-citizens, we address you at the moment the National Assembly is about to be dispersed by bailiffs. Stand firm for the liberties for which we stake our life and blood; do not deviate from the path of legality; firmness and moderation will, with God's help, cause liberty to triumph." At four o'clock the President informed the Chamber that the building was completely surrounded by military. The troops were commanded by General Wrangel, who, in answer to questions put to him, stated that he should remain there a week, if the Assembly sat so long; that his troops were accustomed to bivouac; that he would be really glad, however, to get back to his quarters; and that he would be happy to allow the members to leave the House, but he should permit none to return. Thereupon the Assembly resolved to submit to force under protest, withdrawing for the present, in order to re-assemble next day somewhere else. The soldiers made passages, the deputies marched out two and two through the columns, followed by the burgher guard. Next day the expelled deputies met in the great hall of the Rifle Guild, where they resumed their deliberations. Addresses of sympathy and condolence reached them from the provinces, as well as from the capital, the town council of which voted the freedom of the city to Unruh, the President. Committees were appointed to prepare a report of the events that had occurred, in order to lay it before the nation, and to consider the propriety of impeaching Ministers. A rumour having been circulated that the burgher guard was about to be disarmed, the Assembly exhorted them to resist by force, stating that if they surrendered they would be traitors to their country. On the same day, however, an order went forth for disbanding the guard. The bitter pill was wrapped in a soothing and pious proclamation, in which the King said - "To all of you I give this inviolable assurance, that nothing shall be abrogated from your constitutional liberties; that it shall be my holiest endeavour to be unto you, by the help of God, a good constitutional King, so that we may mutually erect a stately and tenable» edifice, beneath whose roof, to the weal of our German fatherland, our posterity may quietly and peacefully rejoice in the blessings of genuine and true liberty for generations to come. May the blessing of God rest upon our work! " The political atmosphere now began to lower; the clouds gathered blackness; and a bloody collision between the troops and the citizens seemed to be inevitable. The City Guard met and resolved not to give up their arms. Deputations, addresses, and money, from the provinces, poured into the Assembly - Magdeburg having sent 5,000 dollars for the deputies whose pay had been stopped. The city was that evening placed under martial law, a state of siege was proclaimed, and large bodies of soldiers paraded the streets. But the word went through the crowds of excited people - "Be cool; be quiet." The night passed without any disturbance. Next day the Assembly resumed its sittings, and while engaged in its deliberations, an officer entered, and commanded the members to disperse as an illegal meeting. The Vice-President was in the chair, which he peremptorily refused £o leave. The whole House supported him in this resolve, shouting - "Never, till forced by arms!" The officer repeated the order, and received the same answer. The officer then, calling some soldiers to his assistance, seized the chair, and gently carried it out into the street with great good humour, the President still maintaining his position in it, and resolutely protesting against this violation of his dignity. The members then followed, joining in the protest. The military shut up the building and retired, while the expelled President enjoyed a popular ovation. Several attempts were made to hold meetings in other places; but they were in every instance prevented by the military, except one at a cafê, when the Assembly continued together long enough to pass a decree that the Brandenburg Ministry was not authorised to levy taxes, or disburse the public money, until the National Assembly could fulfil its duties safely in Berlin. After this, an officer entered, stating that if they did not disperse, he would immediately employ force. The members then rose in an uncontrollable state of excitement, exclaiming - "No, no; a thousand times no! We will hot move from this room till driven by bayonets." Sixty or seventy deputies sprang forward towards the soldiers, whilst the remainder crowded round the President's table. The confusion and uproar lasted for some time, during which the officer and his escort stood perfectly calm. At length there was a general call from members - "Continue the deliberations. We will hear of no more interruptions. Clear the Chamber of strangers." | |||||||||||
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