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Fly fishing page 2

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If the fish is deeply hooked, he darts to the bottom, and you may be certain you have him firm. Though this assurance may give you more confidence, do not be rash. Remember that the success of the angler's craft depends quite as much on suavitor in mode as the fortiler in re. Lead Lim into the open water gently, and do not let him have an unlimited quantity of line, which, though it may tire the fish, gives you less command over him. As his vigour becomes reduced, and he turns on his side, keep his mouth open at the surface of the water, so as to suffocate him. This apparent paradox is by no means difficult, of accomplishment. Always play your fish with a light hand, and never seize your line in either hand either to shorten or let out more line. It is an awkward, bad practice, and should be avoided.

Occasionally the hooked fish, prior to taking his deep dive, takes it into its head to perform some aerial evolutions, which are exceedingly trying to the angler's skid, as the line may be easily broken by a stroke of the tail. It is best to keep the line taut whilst the fish is rising, and slacken it considerably as the fish falls, so as to prevent the tail striking the taut line. In landing a fish, let the landing-net be slipped under the fish, so that he may drop into it. Bring him, if possible, to a shelving bank, but if this is not possible, bring the exhausted fish close under the bank, and slip the net under him. Do not frighten him, and let the net be kept of a green colour. If you use the gaff, insert it beneath the gills whilst he is gasping, or strike it beneath one of the pectoral fins. A landing-net or a gaff is indispensable in fly-fishing.

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